
Region Delivery Method Delivery charge
Hong Kong SF Self-pickup (Payment by Receiver) Payment by Receiver
Hong Kong S.F. Express (Payment by Receiver) Payment by Receiver
China, Macau, Taiwan S.F. Express (Payment by Receiver) Delivery cost will be settled by customer
Oversea (Others) EMS Delivery will be paid by member
Hong Kong (Local Commercial And Industrial Areas / Residential / 7-11 Convenience Stores Pickup / OK Convenience Stores Pickup)

Recommendation : SF Express

lease refer to SF Express website: or check with us.

Flow :

1.Please select the code of SF pick up store when check out.
2. When the courier arrives at the authorized Convenience Store, SF Express will send SMS to the customer as pick up notification.
3. To pick up the goods, customer is required to present the SMS notification sent by SF Express as verification.
4. From the day receiving the SMS notification, recipients are required to pick up the goods from designated 7-11 or OK Convenience Stores within 3 days. SF Express will return the goods if they are not picked up. If customer needs to retrieve the courier, please contact SF Express Customer Service Hotline (852) 2730 0273 in order to re-schedule a collection date.

China, Macau, Taiwan

SF Express: Delivery charge will be settled by customer upon delivery. For details, refer to the following link:

Oversea (Others)

EMS Speedpost delivery: delivery fee paid by the customer.

Email confirmation will be sent to members for the quotation of the delivery cost.;jsessionid=53E89E4FC5677DBF686F81FC2012FB8A